Legends Store

Drake2078Drake2078 Member Posts: 927 ★★★
edited September 2022 in General Discussion
Is it me, or is trading Two Level 2 revives/40% for One Level 3 revive/60% a bad deal?
Unless you have Level 2 revives expiring in your stash


  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    Yeah, mostly to get something, rather than lose everything. I did it simply because it was better than letting them go to waste, as it doesn't look like it's going to get any better than this. Only did what was necessary though with a couple hours left to spare for 8.1 next week. If it doesn't start on time again, or I'm just an amazing summoner, I guess revives will start disappearing then. For those with even more than the 30 revives I had to trade up - which kind of worked out since I had room for some L2's and now have 2 weeks to use the remaining 10 in overflow, it's still better than nothing, but not great.

    I think if we could have traded in revives for poutine that reverts back to revives after a period of time (and maple syrup for potions) would have been a much better scenario.

    Energy refills - well...
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