Thoughts on this BGs scoring change?

Foster04Foster04 Member Posts: 90
Instead of having your total health left at the end rewarding you points, how about changing it to something like deducting points for damage taken from the opponent?

Thoughts on this BGs scoring change? 29 votes

Good change
13% 4 votes
Maybe something more like ________
13% 4 votes
Bad change
72% 21 votes


  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,169 ★★★★★
    So you want to punish players who regen and finish with higher totals? And you wanna ignore damage taken from suicides even though you get a 60% attack buff. Ok, scooter. If you say so.
  • Foster04Foster04 Member Posts: 90
    edited September 2022
    Forgot about suicides; but targetting regen imo would make the game more about skill, since then you could regen your way back to 100% while the other player could be using someone like HT and losing just because they have to parry. Plus, this would let iHulk and Nick be more viable.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Foster04 said:

    Forgot about suicides; but targetting regen imo would make the game more about skill, since then you could regen your way back to 100% while the other player could be using someone like HT and losing just because they have to parry. Plus, this would let iHulk and Nick be more viable.

    You do realise that when designing champs that can regen, some other aspects might have been toned down to compensate for sustainability right?
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    E.g. Fish bowl regens and deals damage based on how much he got hit, wich also defines how much he heals
    The only change I'd like to see in scoring is kill should always give you a win when you decent wasn't knocked out
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