Who to rank (mystic)?

SillyCaitlinSillyCaitlin Member Posts: 535
5* Guillotine to rank 3, 4* Scarlet Witch to rank 4, or someone else? It'll be a long time until I have the mystic t4cc to do this again, so your thoughts are appreciated!



  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    I have recently brought my 4* SW to R5 5/50 hehe, I always like to use her despite v12.0

    If I were you, I maybe tempted to bring SW to R5 first, then 5* Guily to R3, then hope to awaken Dr Voodoo so can bring him to R5 as well (he needs to be dubbed to be really good)

    If I were good in chaining Lady Thor's stunning effect, I would consider ranking her too, of course after SW/Voodoo/Guily ... but this is just my own preference, i'm sure other experts may have better advises
  • Le_Marv_8Le_Marv_8 Member Posts: 84
    Nice list of champs there. Perhaps hold out in case you can awaken that Voodoo (personally feel he is good unduped). You can definitely rank that SW if her ability is above 60 (I heard she gets really strong above sig level 50). Ranking up 5*s are the way forward but again do what helps your progress atm.

    You can achieve a lot with a solid team of 4* at R5 5/50.
  • Deebo4300Deebo4300 Member Posts: 93
    Just my opinion here but I have most of the mystics. If SW has a high sig level she is better than dr v. The nullify I find more useful and her l2 crits for 30k. Mine is r5 lvl 99.
  • SillyCaitlinSillyCaitlin Member Posts: 535
    Thanks! SWs sig is only about 30 (I duped Thor way before, so here is much higher), so maybe I'll see if I can get it a little higher, or wait to see if I dupe someone like Voodoo.

    Funny thing is, I have 6 T2 alphas sitting there and no ranked 5*s (only two ranked 4 4*s)---I don't see how I'll ever be able to use them in the foreseeable future! Hah! That would be the only factor tempting me to go with a 5*--but since Guilly isn't duped, probably not worth it yet.
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