Bull Targets Synergy (Hood-Stryfe Synergy) is bugged since release

The Bull Targets Synergy between Hood and Stryfe is not working since it was released last January 2021.
As per description of the said synergy, The Hood should gain +50 attack rating while Invisible, however this synery is bugged since it was release last January 2021 and The Hood never gain +50 attack rating while his Invisibility is active.
People have been reporting this bug including me who regularly send a complaint ticket every month requesting for a bug fix. Only 3 months to go, this bug will enter its second year of existence. Please fix this bug.
I have attached photos of my investigation on this bug. Here's a link to video of this bug

As per description of the said synergy, The Hood should gain +50 attack rating while Invisible, however this synery is bugged since it was release last January 2021 and The Hood never gain +50 attack rating while his Invisibility is active.
People have been reporting this bug including me who regularly send a complaint ticket every month requesting for a bug fix. Only 3 months to go, this bug will enter its second year of existence. Please fix this bug.
I have attached photos of my investigation on this bug. Here's a link to video of this bug
