Some of the 24 hours Valor events are ridiculous

What is the point of having sp3 as the last blow to score bonus points?
Arena is the main source where people would probably score majority of the points and fights in arenas don't last so long for you to get to sp3 unless you've got power gain champs.
So you have to get hit in the face trying to score 4k extra points on the event. What's your point here in designing these events?
Kill the enemy with incineration? How do you propose should one be able to score over 800k points to get the ranked rewards for this event? How many incineration champs are there? And considering you have all the possible incineration champs, what are the odds that the final blow is going to be one proc of incineration?
I don't usually whine at your events Kabam, but this time you've got me disinterested in trying to pursue these 24 hour events. The milestones are over estimated in my honest opinion.
Arena is the main source where people would probably score majority of the points and fights in arenas don't last so long for you to get to sp3 unless you've got power gain champs.
So you have to get hit in the face trying to score 4k extra points on the event. What's your point here in designing these events?
Kill the enemy with incineration? How do you propose should one be able to score over 800k points to get the ranked rewards for this event? How many incineration champs are there? And considering you have all the possible incineration champs, what are the odds that the final blow is going to be one proc of incineration?
I don't usually whine at your events Kabam, but this time you've got me disinterested in trying to pursue these 24 hour events. The milestones are over estimated in my honest opinion.
It’s not about getting “easy” rewards like @TBJ1118 said. This game is all about time, time, time, time. Everything about this game requires a boat load of time. They’ve tried to cut down the grind time in the arenas only to be back to where we started. And now with these silly events, it’s making the fights last even longer. Of course it’s not hard to get to a third special, it’s not difficult to finish a fight with a 1st or second special..we’re not (at least me) talking about’s TIME consuming. Adding more time to an already long play session.
Thank you!
I never said the events needed to be easier.
When I say the incineration event or the sp3 event is ridiculous, I don't mean in any sense to convey that they are hard, but the fact that this stupid rat race of scoring over 800k points is just ridiculous in terms of time.
I don't want to be sitting and getting hit in the face with holding block every time I'm fighting. That doesn't improve my game play, it makes me go dumber.
u r doing great!!
Perfect, and that’s exactly what I tried to express. This game has always required money OR time. + skill. Arena requires time to grant you the highest prizes. Same is for these events. It’s not like they are mandatory, do you want the prizes? You put in time. It’s not like the prizes are that amazing anyway, so missing them is not that terrible, in case you can’t put in the time.
It’s your minimal effort on top of what you would normally do, it adds more way around that fact.
It’s great that you went for it and got it all.
Also- I don’t like having to change the way I fight to get extra points in an event. I know I don’t have to, but if I want the points, I would have to change something in my routine.
I’m not sure how people can’t see both sides of things.
I kind of see your point. If we could take a survey and find out how many players think it makes the game “fun” or “interesting” ...I would bet that it’s not much.
Guardians of the galaxy did it by having a hero’s use event that required nothing more out of the player to earn the extra points or rewards. They added a specific champ to earn a smidge more but nothing crazy like 4k points per fight. I think it was 400 points.
It’s just that this community has been complaint about this game being time consuming and they keep saying that there are working on it not being that.
Of course, for people with no duties except play it, everything could be reachable, but it don't change there's a problem in the design, because realistically almost everyone is out of the contest (ironically, it hurt to the nolifers too because the pool is smaller).
Anyway, if you want to see the bright side, the ranks rewards are trash. Just beginners should be dying for those 3* stones, but they're mostly the ones out of the chances.
This has been one of the better back and fourth threads in a while. Usually it’s full of one sided posts or angry posts.
I take it back- it really is whining on my
No way around that fact