Why is it everytime I play Battlegrounds with another player they let the clock run while the matches are happening. Here I am wondering why i can't win no matter what til I figured it out. Most let the clock run with that said Kabam Mcoc you guys need to do something with these players cheating. That's no way to win a match by cheating, is anyone else having this problem? Also you guys should either take the timer off and just let us fight champion Vs champion as is. For example if my 5* is at 14k leave them at 14k Health don't add more to them. Just let it be plain battlegrounds matches 1vs1. Anyways anyone else getting tired of plyrs running clock ⌚?
If they are about to get Sp3... it may be a good gamble to take. similarly if you have nick fury down to 1% with very little time left, its also another reasonable gamble to take (KOing wont' get any more points for damage, but you do lose out on time bonus).
THere are many strategies involved. I would like to see a small bonus for the KO in addition to the time bonus... but otherwise its balance and strategy.
There is no way
Time was running out, so i figured i wasnt going to be able to kill his second life, so i stopped hiting when he was at 2% of the first life and let the timer end. I Thought it wasnt gonna work, but the other guy made some mistakes as well and i beat him by 300 points lol If i killed Fury first HP bar i would lose cause of HP defender remaining.
I mean i could just keep dashing back, avoid him, but by pausing u dont risk getting caught
Ps: i still have no idea the point of this thread lol
Basically u r limitting yourself to what? 40k points... Maybe doesnt make sense
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@kabamjax this why no one likes competitive game modes like BG it’s starting to become like arenas bunch of bots and cheaters. While legit players with skill can’t even get a fair competition game mode. Game is losing its fun side when it comes to all this cheating.
Fact is. People are petty. Kabam knows people are petty. There’s nothing stopping a 30 member alliance to spam BG report people with no basis other than to be a pest or remove a viable opponent from competition