How to maintain CB's Furies without Mangog synergy?

MephistoMephisto Member Posts: 522 ★★★
Any tips would be really help since planning to take my 6* Unduped CB to R3


  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,115 ★★★★★
    Short version : Be aggressive.. B. E. Aggressive.

    Long version: Crossbones does not have crit abilities, so whenever he would crit, he gains a fury buff instead, so you're going to have to be very aggressive with your play style if you're going to make him your top skill.
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    Here are some videos with Crossbones. Now, I did use Mangog synergy in both of these, so keep that in mind
    My tip to you is to get used to heavy countering the opponent’s specials, similar to how tigra does. That way, you pause your your furies without losing one.
  • GrassKnucklesGrassKnuckles Member Posts: 1,952 ★★★★★
    A lot of heavies. Really the only way. Time management is key
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