Battlegrounds is an absolute mess!!!!

ZolobacsiZolobacsi Member Posts: 140 ★★
Third fight in the tier, I won the first round, I would have won the second too but it said I lost all my health and didn't do any damage while in reality I was around 70% and my opponent on 5%. Then it didn't let me into the third fight. I would have moved on a tier. The frustration is incredible!!!! Your compensation is a joke, with this one bug I lost out on gold 3 rewards + the units. I'm done with this game mode for good, you are asking units for a broken feature, so unethical, so greedy!


  • K4g3Raid3nK4g3Raid3n Member Posts: 7
    This is something that I have experienced too. I did not take any screenshots though but it has happened the second time.
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