Help for 7.4

I just finished 7.3.6, Kang boss was not so difficult. I did mess up twice and died but it was relatively easy boss compared to grandmaster and gwenmaster
Im grinding revives and stuff for 7.4, i would like to know what champs should I be ranking up for 7.4, 8.1

Im grinding revives and stuff for 7.4, i would like to know what champs should I be ranking up for 7.4, 8.1

Post edited by Kabam Habanero on
Got him down to phase 3 in one go with Odin and died
Did till final phase using venom and died again
Used doom and completed final phase
Apparently i didn't use any revives, i did use few on that green Goblin on acid wash path because i just can't Dex his sp2, it's too fast
I do have 'de Pablo' 😂 at r5 and love him but i wouldn't want same champ on the team (kitty being exception cuz she's too good and my fav champ)
I posted my roster pics
8.1, that bishop will melt the boss - Kitty and Herc too.
All I can suggest is go to Youtube, watch the "easy path" videos to see who you need / want for the paths and how to handle the boss and go for it after that. You can cheese some paths/bosses - You might not get solos or have to use a couple of items, but none of them should be crazy
Avoid black panther in 8.1.2 - he was the worst one. Doesn't look like you have a red Mags, unfortunately either so that makes some of the bosses a little trickier...
8.1.1 hood is easy
8.1.2 I'm not sure your best option without magneto or a constant armor breaker (probably she-hulk boss)
8.1.3 psycho-man is easy - Odin/Herc will destroy him, just keep evading SP1's
8.1.4 I actually thought ebony maw was very easy with torch pre-fight, but corvus is pretty easy too
8.1.5 take out Herc
8.1.6 slam the boss with Bishop, Herc and/or Kitty. She's actually pretty easy once you get her specials down. Special One, evade the last hit. Special 2 evade the first hit. Wait for the traps to say "set" (even if you can't see them from the VFX bugs - note where she is when the special ends) backup a little so you don't accidentally walk into them, and try to parry/heavy or hold block and counter with a special to knock her into the trap and go ham.