Thoughts on 6* Cosmic Awakening Gem

Just finished exploring act 8.1 and pulled a cosmic gem, which was so so. Also got a mystic rank 4 gem for Diablo so that wasn't so bad. My cosmic roster isn't bad but rather limited and not dependent on their awakening, headlined by CGR who's unduped.
I'm tempted to awaken CGR just to get the silver stars but his awakened ability just seems limited. My other option is pretty much Cull Obsidian, which I know is controversial amongst some of you. He benefits a ton from the awakened ability and is fun to play, but everyone seems to have a different opinion. I also have a ton of catalysts in overflow so they're not part of the consideration.
My final option is holding on to the gem for Herc or Knull, but I'm really not inclined to do so. My reasoning for this is that I held on to 5* gems for specific champs. Unfortunately, literally years after getting those gems, I am still waiting for those champs (Omega Red and Stark Spider-Man). I still have those gems and my effort was wasted in getting them as I held on to them to the point that they never got used. I guess that's a problem that most of us face in the game. Anyway, thoughts?
I'm tempted to awaken CGR just to get the silver stars but his awakened ability just seems limited. My other option is pretty much Cull Obsidian, which I know is controversial amongst some of you. He benefits a ton from the awakened ability and is fun to play, but everyone seems to have a different opinion. I also have a ton of catalysts in overflow so they're not part of the consideration.
My final option is holding on to the gem for Herc or Knull, but I'm really not inclined to do so. My reasoning for this is that I held on to 5* gems for specific champs. Unfortunately, literally years after getting those gems, I am still waiting for those champs (Omega Red and Stark Spider-Man). I still have those gems and my effort was wasted in getting them as I held on to them to the point that they never got used. I guess that's a problem that most of us face in the game. Anyway, thoughts?
Thoughts on 6* Cosmic Awakening Gem 17 votes
I know what it's like to wait and wait and wait. I also know what it's like to not wait and then wish I had. It's a tough call. Yeah CGR doesn't need to be awakened, but it sure brings his already awesome damage up. I probably would use it on CGR for my own roster if there was no one else. He's an awesome champ and you can't feel bad for making him even better, even if Herc drops soon after. But you can feel bad for not making him better if Herc doesn't come for months or years.
I Lucked out and got Herc and the cosmic gem for 8.1 exploration. But how often does stuff like that really happen?