Fair play check

Dear Kabam,
First of all thanks for upgrading season rewards, it was long overdue. It makes competition for top spots worth it again.
Our alliance is aiming for master, and the season is quite costly but it's worth it and it's fun.
The only problem is we need to be sure everyone in the alliance (especially new members - we don't know them) is 100% following the rules and doesn't violate any terms of service so our war season placement is secure.
Is there any way to find out, by contacting support or in game, whether a player (new members we are accepting) was ever banned?
We do not want to have such members (previously banned for TOS violation) in the alliance but there is no way to know that, we have to trust their word and people can say a lot just to get into a top tier alliance. We don't want to risk season rewards
Would it be possible to allow alliance leaders to enquire support about a player's previous bans?
Or maybe add a title to those who were banned so we can check it in game?
Please consider adding something that lets alliances see that the player they are inviting was never banned. It will motivate more players to follow the rules
First of all thanks for upgrading season rewards, it was long overdue. It makes competition for top spots worth it again.
Our alliance is aiming for master, and the season is quite costly but it's worth it and it's fun.
The only problem is we need to be sure everyone in the alliance (especially new members - we don't know them) is 100% following the rules and doesn't violate any terms of service so our war season placement is secure.
Is there any way to find out, by contacting support or in game, whether a player (new members we are accepting) was ever banned?
We do not want to have such members (previously banned for TOS violation) in the alliance but there is no way to know that, we have to trust their word and people can say a lot just to get into a top tier alliance. We don't want to risk season rewards
Would it be possible to allow alliance leaders to enquire support about a player's previous bans?
Or maybe add a title to those who were banned so we can check it in game?
Please consider adding something that lets alliances see that the player they are inviting was never banned. It will motivate more players to follow the rules