Dear Kabam: is rebuffing trophy champions in the foreseeable future?

Hey Kabam,
Is it in the cards to revamp characters like Kang the Conqueror, Ultron, or Thanos? I understand they are meant to be trophy champions but what's the downside to having them actually be useful in battle? If the argument is that people are going to get salty because they don't own one, wouldn't that be the same reaction we already deal with regarding bugs and other difficult content?
Thanos and Kang are more accessible now than ever before with the greater gifting crystals so why not do them justice and make them a highly sought out champ? I think it's great that you guys are creating other variants like "Superior Kang" but it would be nice to see the OG Kang get new animations and time-related powers (same with Thanos or Ultron Prime)
Is it in the cards to revamp characters like Kang the Conqueror, Ultron, or Thanos? I understand they are meant to be trophy champions but what's the downside to having them actually be useful in battle? If the argument is that people are going to get salty because they don't own one, wouldn't that be the same reaction we already deal with regarding bugs and other difficult content?
Thanos and Kang are more accessible now than ever before with the greater gifting crystals so why not do them justice and make them a highly sought out champ? I think it's great that you guys are creating other variants like "Superior Kang" but it would be nice to see the OG Kang get new animations and time-related powers (same with Thanos or Ultron Prime)