First max sig 6*

Proud of my first max sig 6* haha. I don’t really spend money, I may snag some daily TB deals here or there and I do the monthly sigil but it took me about 3 months to get CAIW to sig 200 🤣🤷🏼♂️. Old champ but he’s still a beast
Let’s see everyone’s sig 200 6*’s 👏 🤙🏼

Let’s see everyone’s sig 200 6*’s 👏 🤙🏼

King Groot was next, then CAPIW and Aegon.
Thing is Sig 180 and I'll let him get to max with a natural final dupe.
Hercules will be my next targeted champ for sigs. I just got him and he's currently sig 70, so every spare sig stone I get will go into him. That's the only reason I'll be doing battlegrounds at all - with the changes, I'll happily take 10 generic sig stones a week to get him maxed out as soon as possible. Truth be told though, I run him with NF/Xforce and have hardly even needed to rely on immortality since he stays topped up through most content this way.