No Deadpool Gold Offers 2022

Why arent there any Deadpool Gold Offers this time ?!

Man i just want to Delete the Game now!

Who wants to see Deadpool Gold Offers ??

No Deadpool Gold Offers 2022 120 votes

I Want Deadpool Gold Offers
johnwho63Ghostspider231MongoPawnTensioSurya027Maverick75wheekwheekiethanks4playingJazz_MessengerThereticEzyolodwagretardPrimis00JohnyzeroCropDusterMauckseeKennadoRayhanIshaqueBrokenyael89pseudosane 115 votes
I Dont Like Gold Offers
Brandonmballoulaserjohn26LordSmasherShjdksjsjodkdjdudi45VVDoom 5 votes


  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    Delete it
  • TrenzaloreTrenzalore Member Posts: 182 ★★★
    I Want Deadpool Gold Offers
    Greed is why there are no gold offers.
  • RiasGremoryRiasGremory Member Posts: 240
    I Want Deadpool Gold Offers

    Why arent there any Deadpool Gold Offers this time ?!

    Man i just want to Delete the Game now!

    Who wants to see Deadpool Gold Offers ??

    There isnt Even a Gold Boost 😡
  • CederCeder Member Posts: 668 ★★★
    I Want Deadpool Gold Offers
    Manbatn said:

    Kabam is a joke of a company recently

    Watch out, they like to delete comments that throw flack at Kabam
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  • ricardito_perez11314ricardito_perez11314 Member Posts: 2
    I Want Deadpool Gold Offers
    return the offers, we already do a lot putting up with the visual bugs where they didn't even give compensation, because they can nerf characters after a year but they can't put the gold offers, right
  • ElthanElthan Member Posts: 102 ★★
    I Want Deadpool Gold Offers
    A company's role is to make money, anything else shall be considered purely optionnal
  • ThomildoThomildo Member Posts: 551 ★★★
    I Want Deadpool Gold Offers
    KNAKINTH said:

    It was only available last year to shut us up about the state of the game. What should have been free compensation was a gold suck. Now this is true capitalistic greedy kabam with their broken game with no intention of fixing anything. The bugs and fixes portion of this forum is a lie and a cruel joke.

    This is pretty much spot on imo.
  • LordFreyLordFrey Member Posts: 3
    I Want Deadpool Gold Offers
  • VinnicinniVinnicinni Member Posts: 4
    I Want Deadpool Gold Offers
    Let’s hope they actually do something in the players favor for once and give us good offer before the end of the event. Still 4 days left.
  • Badass84Badass84 Member Posts: 317 ★★★
    I Want Deadpool Gold Offers
    Elthan said:

    A company's role is to make money, anything else shall be considered purely optionnal

    And how do you make money? You make good and reasonable offers for your customers.
  • DonPoppa5thDonPoppa5th Member Posts: 2
    I Want Deadpool Gold Offers
    Let’s see if they actually do anything about this or if they just ignore and wait until cyber weekend so everyone will forget, but this really is getting to a joke, after last year the deals where a huge success, then this year advertising gold deals again only to make a jokey forums post a few days ago! They should at the very least have been up front and just said no gold offers rather than making us wait and then letting us down once again! Kabam is really getting on my nerves with recent activity, no compensation for many, many, many, many bugs and flaws in this game that have cost people real money and definitely in game currency which shouldn’t have happened! I think looking at these posts I think the best course of action would be to admit mistakes and hopefully they will add in gold deals in the next 4 days of this event, but honestly knowing Kabam they will pretend this thread and their players anger doesn’t exist at all! P.S sorry for the essay lol I’m just very annoyed right now tbh
  • MauckseeMaucksee Member Posts: 38
    I Want Deadpool Gold Offers
    Feels bad .. i wish they surprise us with the gold offers as they didn’t said no gold offers yet
  • ChiliDogChiliDog Member Posts: 911 ★★★
    I Want Deadpool Gold Offers
    I wanted to see offers, but would have really analyzed them. Adding arena fodder only for 10 million gold is not as tempting as it once was.
  • Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 1,172 ★★★★
    I precisely did not do any Level up and rank up yesterday because i was waiting for the gold offers. Come to find out this time around Kabam did not offer any gold offers. I was dissapointed but it is not kabam's fault. They never mentioned or promised this was going to be a concurrent event.

    However, they did mention something extremely exciting few years ago in the form of "Wish Crystals" Fast forward 2022 and we still haven't seem any wish crystal. I call that "False Advertisement"
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,124 ★★★★★

    I precisely did not do any Level up and rank up yesterday because i was waiting for the gold offers. Come to find out this time around Kabam did not offer any gold offers. I was dissapointed but it is not kabam's fault. They never mentioned or promised this was going to be a concurrent event.

    However, they did mention something extremely exciting few years ago in the form of "Wish Crystals" Fast forward 2022 and we still haven't seem any wish crystal. I call that "False Advertisement"

    It's not false advertisement. False advertisement when it's part of their promotions and they don't deliver.

    The concept of a wish Crystal was introduced in a road map which is an idea map that they wanted to look into developing into the main game however due to various reasons which can include an inability to create a stabilized version that doesn't affect the system, other items in the game fulfilling that need, making it redundant or because of allocation of resources focusing on higher priority items.
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