I'd rather it be mister sinister, he way more of a badass than some overweight head in a hoverchair, what his L2 gonna be he shoots all the food he ate to get so fat back at you, if it is modok idc how good they make him I'll have desire to have the physically challenged on my team. This isn't the special marvel contest of champions.... just saying
He may not be the coolest Marvel character but it would be worth the laughs to have him in the game for me. Plus I'm interested to see what they would do with him. I'm hoping for him to be added
Lol for once you are incorrect. They said it was going to be Modok on the marvel podcast on soundcloud.
Just check for the official marvel soundcloud feed, they did some interviews during NYCC. They've said it's MODOK more than once.
Then you should have an easy time persuading @Kabam Miike or another mod to give us the same line here.
They never confirmed that it was MODOK.
They just said that there would be another MODOK event with more unique champions like last time.