Why did my Mephisto gain souls?

Summary: fighting master Hela... had 3 souls... consumed them for regen... gained 6 souls from her at the end of the fight after two sp1s.
Skip to the end of the fight if 90 seconds is too long.
Bug? Or is it something I missed with Meph?
Skip to the end of the fight if 90 seconds is too long.
Bug? Or is it something I missed with Meph?

Have you tried fighting an enduring Punisher with him?
Hmmm, I could give it a shot. I don't recall this happening on him, though.
Anyone great reason to make good use of Mephisto against a specific champ (e.g. Hela)
Looking forward to see if the same applied to an enduring Punisher as suggested by Ordalca
Can I just ask why your complaining about this, and I have him also he's great utility champion. Try putting him on the "buffet" node in alliance war and watch people tear their hair out fighting him, lol. 5 kills minimum in t1 wars mine gets on that node sometimes as high as 12, lol. Cool bug can't wait to try it out in master quest, thanks
Yeah, because any bug that's **** can happen back to you. That's why I'm complaining.
After this, I fought Hela again, and had 6 souls.
Wow @ZzyzxGuy your Mephisto indeed got 6 souls, you proved that this even works on Punisher ... not sure if Kabam is considering this a bug, but until then I wish I can get a 4* Mephisto and put mine to good use, and in the meantime would certainly like to avoid facing one in AW.
Great work on testing out and sharing the videos!!
Think this should be in the bug reports.
It was worth a try... Thanks