Recruiting for the Bomber Family!!

Looking for members for the following allis:

《TBS》 is our main alli in the Bomber Family. AQ focused (required) 555 X 5 with 1 optional BG of AW. LINE required.

smTBS is our mini branch of our main alli. AQ focused (required) 333 X 5 with 1 optional BG AW. LINE required.

tbsTU is our mini war branch of our war alli (tbsBW). AQ required 444 X 5 with required 3 BG's AW. LINE required.

All allis in the Bomber Family run epic/master mods throughout each session of AQ.

We also offer an extra branch that has no requirements whatsoever... for members who want a home but want to work on personal goals in their profile.

Please contact @Keninja77 via LINE with any questions or interest.

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