Incursions Daily Challenge for completing 3 zones isn't being fulfilled in solo incursions

So there's the daily challenge:

Zone Clearing
Complete 3 zones in Sector 7 or above in the Incursions game mode

I'm currently running sector 9 and I'm in zone 10, but this challenge still reads 0/3.


  • Chris_SummersChris_Summers Member Posts: 312 ★★★
    Same for my objective and I’ve done sector 9
  • Hopper13131Hopper13131 Member Posts: 65

    Same for my objective and I’ve done sector 9

    Glad I'm not the only one.

    I'm not getting anything from sectors 7 or 8 either. I was hoping it was just a bug for sector 9. But I think it's a bug for solo incursions where it's not counting those zone completions.

    I got the daily challenge a few days ago, so maybe it's related to getting the challenge before the incursion update, but I have no idea.
  • Chris_SummersChris_Summers Member Posts: 312 ★★★
    Did the exact same thing there as well trying to complete it by going in and trying sectors 7 and 8… only thing is is when I did sector 9, I only got to zone 7 but still that shoulda been sufficient enough for the objective.
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