You did a great job.

There were (and still are) so many bugs in 2022, and so many moments when I hated the game this year. There was also a bug where you couldn't go solo in incursions when it was revamped. But you guys made the game mode more than 10x better by adding Sector 9, updating the rewards, and the ability to go solo. Easily the best thing you guys did this year. The game mode is very engaging and the solo mode makes it somewhat easier as we can go in whenever we have the time to( this is the one reason I didn't play incursions before). Hats off to you guys.
There were (and still are) so many bugs in 2022, and so many moments when I hated the game this year. There was also a bug where you couldn't go solo in incursions when it was revamped. But you guys made the game mode more than 10x better by adding Sector 9, updating the rewards, and the ability to go solo. Easily the best thing you guys did this year. The game mode is very engaging and the solo mode makes it somewhat easier as we can go in whenever we have the time to( this is the one reason I didn't play incursions before). Hats off to you guys.
There’s already so much tough content in the game, from AW to EOP to The Gauntlet and Carina Challenges, that IMO we need some fun content in the game. I used Incursions for some low-frustration fun in the game but now it sucks to play it. Feels like AW fights. Not fun at all. I have given it multiple tries on solo mode, and while I do appreciate the new solo mode, the massive increase in difficulty is awful.
To wit, sector 8 room 5:
Total BS. So you guys have “fun” with this mode. I’m not likely to continue playing this, sadly.