When are the champs being added to the cristal ?

When are the November champs being added to the cristal ? (Hyperion, Howard the duck, Gwenpool, etc, etc, etc)


  • ThebgjThebgj Member Posts: 635 ★★
    After tonight’s update. ALWAYS wait till you see them in the homescreen. It’ll be a banner showing the release of these champs
  • Cosmin320Cosmin320 Member Posts: 9
    I always wait until I see the champs in the preview. I don't know why, but I had the impression that they are being added every 6'th of the month. Is there a specific date, or we wait each month for a specific update ?
    Thanks for responding !
  • AjisdopeAjisdope Member Posts: 969 ★★★
    I thought they would be added this morning?
  • MRod77MRod77 Member Posts: 154
    Cosmin320 wrote: »
    I always wait until I see the champs in the preview. I don't know why, but I had the impression that they are being added every 6'th of the month. Is there a specific date, or we wait each month for a specific update ?
    Thanks for responding !

    first tuesday of every month during the maintenance break
  • Ayee24Ayee24 Member Posts: 5
    Is there a specific time in which the new 5 stars are added?
  • Cosmin320Cosmin320 Member Posts: 9
    Did the update took place? Because I don't see the champs in the preview.
  • Cosmin320Cosmin320 Member Posts: 9
    Did the update took place? Because I don't see the champs in the preview.
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