Battlegrounds Bug

Immediately after exiting the first fight, i was sent to the preparing results screen as if my opponent had forfeited early.
It then showed that i ranked up from bronze to silver (which already happened in my previous match).
And then i was sent to another loading screen and then it showed the match results again and that i had forfeited. I lost 90 elder marks to this so far.
I am using a samsung galaxy s10 with the latest OS and latest game version.
The champ i was using was hyperion, and versing a red magneto.
It then showed that i ranked up from bronze to silver (which already happened in my previous match).
And then i was sent to another loading screen and then it showed the match results again and that i had forfeited. I lost 90 elder marks to this so far.
I am using a samsung galaxy s10 with the latest OS and latest game version.
The champ i was using was hyperion, and versing a red magneto.