You lost 2 of the fights, Moleman and Ultron. That screen where you're looking at the fight stats always says Victory if you won the fight even thou you didn't score the most points. Its a "FIght" victory not a "Round" victory. Confusing I know.
We only did 2 fights n when I finished the 2nd fight this screen came up n said I lost I didn't fight a cgr killmonger or g2099 and says also no damage taken in all fights
Fair iv just checked says no damage taking across all them iv just checked which is dumb but as for the fights this was not the case we done 2 fights I won both rounds n counted as a loss n I sat on the screen waiting for his fight 2 finish n just came up afterwards saying I lost
That screen where you're looking at the fight stats always says Victory if you won the fight even thou you didn't score the most points. Its a "FIght" victory not a "Round" victory. Confusing I know.