Problem with infuriate?

So recently I've experienced a lot of instances where the AI would just choose to stand there and wait for us to dash in and then counter with a light attack and land a full 5 combo to our face. It just stand there, no block, no Dex. You dash in and get intercepted with a light attack.
This happens the most with infuriate on I think (or maybe it's because Hercules is an intercept champion so I notice it more with him)
Anyone else experience this?
This happens the most with infuriate on I think (or maybe it's because Hercules is an intercept champion so I notice it more with him)
Anyone else experience this?
Usually what your describing happens to me when its the "easy" AI.
Any tips to counter this anyone? What do I do if the AI is just walking towards me?
(The AI is very odd though, has been for a good year)
1) defender not sufficiently infuriated and I get light intercepted; or
2) defender sufficiently infuriated but clips me with a super dash (catching my dex before I can dash back in).
Even the special intercept isn’t 100% safe unless OG Black Panther is a synergy member.
My theory is this: sometimes when infuriated, the AI tends to step forward for just a split second after you dash back and then dash forward.
When you do a light intercept, because of the slight pause from the step forward your light attack misses them, but it takes you within range of their attack so you get slammed.
When you do a medium intercept however, the pause from the step forward doesn’t matter, because they start dashing at you and your medium intercepts them.
This is not something I’ve tested in any great scrutiny, just anecdotally what I feel I’ve seen. I haven’t been failing as many intercepts with Herc while using medium attacks as light attacks, I don’t think.
It's not a medium vs light thing