Taskmaster - Unique attacks & exploit weakness

mustgofastermustgofaster Member Posts: 94
Likely a basic question but how many unique attacks are there? I'm going to try playing Taskmaster a bit and was curious about that since he reduces defensive AAR for each unique attack he performs and for each unique attack an opponent performs he lowers their offensive AAR.

Standard combos/attacks:
Special 1, 2 and 3

Curious if M, MM, ML, MLL, MLLL, MLLM, L, LL, LLL, LLLL, LMLL, LMLLL & LML etc would all be considered unique attacks?

Also wondering about this "If Taskmaster places 5 Concussions on his opponent simultaneously", how would he place 5 at the same time? Or would you need to perform whatever the Exploit Weakness (e.g. Light attack) 5x within 10 seconds?
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