Quick Arena QOL Improvement Idea
You guys made arena really great with the quick fill button, really appreciate it. But there is still some time consuming unnecessary things. Like whenever we finish a match up we wait to see the last point get multiplied by 3, this should be just skipped and we should see the end result instead of waiting for it to multiply, it is 2-3 seconds but when it adds up, it's just so unnecessary. And after that waste of time we wait to see the green texts that say, "Series Won" and "Bonus multiplier x3". That steals another 3-4 seconds from you. After beating the last champion we should be able to say next round or something and skip this 6 seconds of waste in total. Just an idea and I hope this gets implemented into the game, my 6 stars alone is 43 rounds and with 6 seconds of waste in each round it's like 5 minutes of waiting for the texts to go away and the point to get multiplied.