Hercules' immortality is broken

I firmly believe Hercules is broken. Unless you can tell me how She Hulk, OG BP, stealth suit Spider-Man, Silver Surfer, Captain Marvel, Carnage, Odin, MODOK, Kitty Pryde, Spidey 2099, Guillotine 2099, Omega Red, ect all stopped my Hercules from gaining immortality.
Please explain how all of those champions with different node combinations and only a few of them can affect Hercules ability accuracy kept my six star rank four Hercules from going immortal?
I'm beginning to think it's an input issue and I'm losing input when he gets knocked out because I can't think of anything else.
Is anyone else having these problems? I am using Android maybe it's just Android users. I've had it happen in the AQ as well as the EQ and the side quests. And today it happened in war against Nick Fury lmfao. He didn't reduce my ability accuracy, he never threw a level 1 attack. I pushed him to a level two and he killed me with a level two. I had nine charges 🤷🏻
Please explain how all of those champions with different node combinations and only a few of them can affect Hercules ability accuracy kept my six star rank four Hercules from going immortal?
I'm beginning to think it's an input issue and I'm losing input when he gets knocked out because I can't think of anything else.
Is anyone else having these problems? I am using Android maybe it's just Android users. I've had it happen in the AQ as well as the EQ and the side quests. And today it happened in war against Nick Fury lmfao. He didn't reduce my ability accuracy, he never threw a level 1 attack. I pushed him to a level two and he killed me with a level two. I had nine charges 🤷🏻