LF plat 1 map 7/8 alliance

Ign: cookiedealer
2 years+ Tier 1 and map 8 experience.
Feel free to challenge me in battlegrounds to see my skills.
I have a deep roster in terms of r3s and counters, 6 6* r4, can have more r4s if needed, and have a ton of war boosts+ war boost crystals saved.
I enjoy playing AW more than AQ.
Feel free to reach out to me on discord/in-game.
Discord: cookiedealer(cdt) #3037
2 years+ Tier 1 and map 8 experience.
Feel free to challenge me in battlegrounds to see my skills.
I have a deep roster in terms of r3s and counters, 6 6* r4, can have more r4s if needed, and have a ton of war boosts+ war boost crystals saved.
I enjoy playing AW more than AQ.
Feel free to reach out to me on discord/in-game.
Discord: cookiedealer(cdt) #3037
If you do. Add me on line..
unofficial _noob