Alliance Quest Compensation due to bugs and input issues

Kabam should consider reinstating AQ compensation rewards OR do the same as with Alliance War and offer 40% team revives for 1 Loyalty due to all the continuing input issues and bugs.
The input issues seem especially bad on new iPhone 14 Pro models causing hero's to dash back when attacking or throwing a heavy, stop attacking in the middle of a combo, and parrying only to watch the opponent hit you as if you are not parrying.
All of these issues have caused players to utilize countless revives and heal potions with no end in site.
Please Kabam, do the right thing and give us some type of help or compensation toward this issue.
The input issues seem especially bad on new iPhone 14 Pro models causing hero's to dash back when attacking or throwing a heavy, stop attacking in the middle of a combo, and parrying only to watch the opponent hit you as if you are not parrying.
All of these issues have caused players to utilize countless revives and heal potions with no end in site.
Please Kabam, do the right thing and give us some type of help or compensation toward this issue.