The new attacker tactic debuff detox is broken. I'm in tier 1. The description of the node says that if you stack up 6 stacks of cleanse charges, you should go debuff immune for 5 seconds. What happens instead when you have 5 charges and you either parry/block/dex, reaching 6, is that you just lose them all without any positive effects. The only effect is that you lose all your cleanse charges. This makes debuff detox very impractical. Not only that, it also sucks by design because when you have many cleanse charges and you receive a debuff you lose them all, which doesn't really make much sense. It would be decent if "x" number of cleanse charges would allow you to purify "x" number of incoming debuffs. But sadly, this is not how it was designed. However, the fact that you lose all cleanse charges by receiving a single debuff added to the fact that stacking 6 cleanes charges makes you lose them all with no added effects means that having stackable cleanse charges is completely useless. Then it'd be better to just have a single cleanse and consume it when you get a debuff. The way the node is designed and the way it is currently (half broken) makes it very very hard to deal with the current new defense tactic unsteady ground.
Therefore, in my opinion there is a need to work on the nodes to make the next alliance war season playable.
Therefore, in my opinion there is a need to work on the nodes to make the next alliance war season playable.
I get hit on the block again. I should gain a charge and by reaching 6 I should go debuff immune for 5 seconds:
I lost all my 6 charges. Graphically, I see no icon nor any timers showing debuff immunity for 5 seconds. But I think maybe it's a visual bug and I still am debuff immune. Well that's not it. As I land a hit in the same second I receive a shock debuff:
This is proof that the global attack tactic is broken and it's not working as the description states it should.
How do we supposed to take duped Knull boss really ?
On top of it, it’s irritating that you can’t cleanse debuffs that are on you before you have a cleanse charge. But if h the debuff immunity and the lose only the same # of cleanse charges as debuffs cleansed worked correctly, it was wouldn’t be that bad. But as the node currently plays, any debuffs on you at the start of the fight that don’t expire are on you the entire fight.
The main problem is that against Knull boss and similar bosses with many debuffs "debuff detox” attackers can't be used. They don't become debuff immune and because of that never fully remove all debuffs so the fight turns into constant glancing (so potentially a lost bonus or timeout).
Device Operating System: ios 15.6.0
Mobile Carrier: none WiFi only
Cellular or WiFi: WiFi and Bluetooth to cellular
Game Version Installed: 36.3.1
Game Mode: Alliance War.
Champions Affected: All Buff Detox champs. R4 max sig Kitty Pryde
Active Boosts: none\NA
Description of the Issue: When reaching 6 buff detox charges the champ never goes debuff immune.
Screenshot or Video:
Example of R4 Max Sig Kitty Pryde against Knull AW boss
He is immune to future debuffs but is not able to shrug off earlier debuffs.
Guys.... this bug still exist on 13 Nov 2022
Can't believe that everyone in Kabam gonna really ignored this?