Battlegrounds is so bugged and rigged

For once Kabam have a great idea in making battlegrounds but they execute it terribly of course. Firstly, after multiple betas and one and a half seasons, over a couple of months, they still haven't fixed sandbagging and the matchmaking is super unfair. (You've got cavaliers and new thronebreakers going against paragons with mulitple rank 4s). Secondly there's bugs such as the one I have gotten where you finish the first fight and you go to the battlegrounds home screen and then you reload the game and it puts you into the fight you just completed with 0 seconds and with a max health opponent and you end up getting 0 points. There's also another bug where you finish round 1 qnd you immediately lose the match for no reason. I don't understand how after all this time the game mode still has many bugs. Kabam really need to up their game. There are also still many modders and I'm not sure the person they hired for anti cheating is even doing anything to be quite honest.
The early part of the victory track is a bit different, you'll get players in there who are at that level and will never progress but unfortunately we all start at the same point and therefore they'll face players in that tier....