Where should I focus my 6* rank up?

UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,811 ★★★★★
I have recently been blessed with some actually decent 6*s. I’m trying to focus on where I should be putting my tier 5 class catalyst efforts into for my next R3. I’m guessing it should probably be Doom? But I also just pulled Warlock and Nimrod who are both great. And I’ve heard Kingpin is pretty good too.


  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,811 ★★★★★
    gah I always hit post before adding the picture.

  • ShenAbuserShenAbuser Member Posts: 50
    Hard question. I dont have kitty but i have heard that she is a killing machine if you can play well and bring right synergies. Doom is just slapping everyone and carried me through all act 6/7/8. Nimgod can 1 shoot any mutnant with one l2. Kingpin is wild too especialy in BG same as Warlock. You cant go wrong either way. If i were you I would probably post the same question. Soo I will say depends on what u need, and on which mode u are focusing in. I would go for doom.
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