Are points required for incursions 85k gold milestones too high?

YsFYsF Member Posts: 151 ★★
edited November 2022 in General Discussion
So today I did till zone 15 in sector 8 and only reached till milestone 8/10 and less than half points for the highest milestone. While I do understand that content with good rewards should also have a decent amount of difficulty, but it seems like for an average player, the grind required for that gold seems to be too much and that too every 5 days. The gold rewards before the update was much more accessible and we could get all the gold by just doing sector 7. What is everyone's thoughts on this?


  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,956 ★★★★★
    The gold milestones and alliance ones are for sure too high like u have to run so many in a week for full milestones which people either do monthly due to the reward reset but other than that, for me just doing 1 sector 7 15 sector 8 15 and 9 at 10 thats all i do for the month as if i was doing weekly it be too stressful since the whole gold milestones are way too high to keep enjoyment that long. Like i get why its that high as its to push people a little to climb higher in sector 9 but casually its not gonna work.
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  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    I gave up on incursions in the initial incarnation after a short time. I tried them again now with the solo mode (I hated playing with someone else before) and feel like given the cool down on my 5* and especially 6* champs the difficulty of 7 and 8 is too high. I played solo 1 time for 7 and 1 time for 8 and haven't touched it again since because I am waiting on the highest room timer to reset. I don't know exactly how it works but I think it seemed to be maybe a 30 day timer from when it released again.

    I basically ignore the gold milestones, even though I want the gold, due to how much is required to obtain them. I got a little but the main thing that frustrates me is that there seems to be practically no point in playing after a run (possibly 2) of both 7 and 8 because I get nothing for having to fight through all the same rooms again until I would pass where I ended previously with the room rewards (the artifacts, or whatever the currency is called, and the crystal shards). The timer to reset so I can earn those rewards again is way too long.

    I am afraid that if Kabam takes anything from these kind of posts it won't be to make a positive change for us. We complain about not getting rewards for continuing to play so what I fear they will do is reduce our rewards for the same progress we make now and either make them reset more often or even reduce them even more drastically and then reward them for every room completion with no overall reset timer so that we basically earn the same amount as what we get now but have to put in much more time and effort for it.

    I don't think that would be a positive change for players but I doubt they want us earning more rewards than what they decided we should already have the potential for and they always want us to be playing the game more. Given these factors I don't know that asking for the ability to get rewards from playing more frequently will actually get us what we want. I don't want to play more in the future for the same rewards I can get now with 2 runs total. If we can earn more by playing more that is obviously great but if they don't want to increase the total available rewards then I have no interest in them changing the reward structure or timers to require more effort for the same (or potentially less) rewards than we can get now.

    I would even potentially be willing to play more to try to push further in 7 and 8 to get the higher room rewards if the cool down on my 5* and 6* champs was significantly reduced (and NOT as a purchasable option like arena refresh). I don't have a massive roster of really good and useful champs (though I guess that is all a relative/subjective thing) so when I can't use the ones that are good, and ranked, for a while I just ignore the incursions completely and when they may finally be off cool down I haven't bothered going back.
  • YsFYsF Member Posts: 151 ★★
    Yeah it seems like they messed up big time and only wanted to cater to the players who are already on top of the game with those end sector 9 rewards.
  • GrubGrub Member Posts: 258 ★★★
    Sector 9 is fine Imo. The weekly milestone point totals should not be that high though, it’s supposed to be a nice way to get gold, and it’s completely inaccessible.
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