Building a dream team

Recently got my hands on a green hulk and by adding him into my party it pretty much wrecks my synergies with the party I have. Question is... Kind of want a universal team. Are Synergies that important? Having Green Hulk and Black Widow together seems to add stuns across the whole party so should I just go with whoever I want to add? Take only the over powered players? What do people seem to run these days....
Gwenpool, archangel, Hyperion, star lord, stark enhanced Spider-Man.
So jaded. you mention you change it up based on your needs? I am not super far invested in the game yet. (mostly talking about 4* champs) I got a few that are 3/30 and some at 4/40. Just looking for a good smash and pound team. See what other people are running.
Outside of that, find the champs that you fight the best with and that work for the content you're in (i.e. bring a bleed-immune champ if you know you're fighting a node with bleed damage).
My typical team is Gwenpool, X23, AA, Guilly, and Hype. Not a single synergy there. Working on ranking up my Scarlet Witch and Star Lord so I have more options.
really depend on the content u are trying to beat
Plus or Minus the extra damage they can deal out... Where I am not loaded with 5/50 champions (only played 4 months. started 7/2) I don't have biggest or diverse team. I always thought the synergies were make or break but seems they tend to be a really big undertone for things.
Help me understand the huge plus side to ghost rider. I don't have him but many people praise him. Do you like angela? I feel she falls short but I do like all the buffs she gets. 5.1 was a good fun act. It changed from being a struggle to fun for me. I like your other champs. they are good!!
The part you need to focus on are the character-specific nuances that make them even better. Taking a champ like Hype and knowing he stacks fury with his heavy attacks, so you start the fight with a couple parry-heavy combos while his power meter is growing. Then once he gets 3 bars of power, let it gain a couple cosmic charges (additional attack boost), so then when you finally hit that SP3 button he knocks out some crazy high damage.
Or knowing Wolvie's regen is tied to his power bar. More power = more regen. So you don't use his specials unless it's to finish the fight because he'll be regenerating crazy amounts of health.
Find one champ you like and learn them really well. Then find a second champ, then a third. As your roster grows you're preferences will change. My first two favorite champs were Thor and Venom. Now I rarely use them because I found new champs that I liked more.
It does help reading through the forums and on Reddit for tips and tricks on which champs are better and more worth your time. You don't want to focus on someone like Kamala Khan or Joe Fixit because they aren't very good even when played perfectly.
Yeah the build I have right now has I think 4 or 5 active synergies.... but now that I have a green hulk I wanna get him up but he messes up many things. So if I ever get my hands on a Black Widow that will help and I can try to find another build. I love my Gwenpool and I love x23. yeah. I will surely have to play around with other characters. I have just become so dependent on bleed damage that when I tried to do Golds event I couldn't cause of "cornered" node.... made me realize I needed a more diverse team
Sometimes I'll run 2 of the same class in AQ or AW attack if I know which line I'll be running and want to maximize class advantages (Like a mystic team if I'm doing the cosmic line in AQ Map 5).
I'll never run 3 of the same class in a questing team. Only one of my arena teams is all the same class (BW, BPCW, WS) but I do that to maximize PI through synergies.
I do go through and read much of the characters profiles. Thanks for the insight on things man... knowledge is power!
Nice... I don't have him so I didn't know much of what he can do. Is the huge health gain from his level 2? I didn't know he could heal.....
I am getting there. I am level 57 atm and still need to finish up act 4 part 4 for that last mastery point. so many ways to build a character. I tried going into suicides but seems where i am in an active war alliance suicides would be bad for me as my champs would auto kill.
Power control is you referring to heroes like magic? or Iceman with ice armor? is it stuff that controls their energy bar right? (enemy energy bar)
What's funny is that you're further along in story mode than I am. I'm just exploring 4.3 now. I just don't care much for the story quests. lol
dang sounds like I need to keep my eyes out for him and try to get a 3* or a 4* to learn him
I do have a 4* vision but thats the fear is his lack of healing.... I tend to slip up here and there.... but yeah, I tend to have not much struggle from the enemy as I power drain him.
It was the drive for the masteries that pushed me... they are like hidden levels... I may be further. but I bet your stronger and have a good range of heroes.... I was so heavily invested in the team I have (red hulk, strange, x23, gwenpool, howard duck 4/40) that I used x23 and gwen alot since they have great bleed damage... I got hindered by champions that gain perks while under debuffs.... as JTC mentioned.... seems power control champs (magik, vision) are the way to go to keeping the AI in check.... but at the same time I wanna be able to hulk smash things without getting killed for it