Life without Aunt Mai.



  • Qwerty12345Qwerty12345 Member Posts: 865 ★★★★
    If you need to make a video on how to effectively use it... you might want to have a UI person give you some feedback on the site.

    That said, there are aspects of the sites that are great... one of the better sites with regards to relics for example... however there are many gaps as well, such as having an easy way to evaluate prestige, and rank up/sig up decisions.

    Personally, I think there are a lot of data geeks out there who would love a "real data source" / and if someone made an API or downloadable JSON data set or something to consume... that would be pretty awesome.
  • spacejumper5193spacejumper5193 Member Posts: 154 ★★
    edited October 2023
    It would be great if we didn't have to go to a 3rd party website to check out the details about champions. A game like Bleach Brave Souls does a great job, with being about to filter champs by immunities or certain skills that you need for a quest. It would be great if MCOC would implement something like that in-game.

    For example you want to see which champs were Bleed Immune, you would be able to select that filter and there are all champs by class that are bleed immune. It would help newer players who are trying to learn kits for over 250 champs. Even someone whose played the game since Ghost and Wasp came out, I still forget about things in kits such as immunities. Having a filterable system would be a big W for the MCOC community.
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,070 ★★★★★
    Since we’re talking about websites here, does anyone know the status of Frontline MCOC? It doesn’t appear to have been updated since August.
  • Wubbie075Wubbie075 Member Posts: 763 ★★★

    Since we’re talking about websites here, does anyone know the status of Frontline MCOC? It doesn’t appear to have been updated since August.

    The guy who runs that site has (had?) a podcast with @RichTheMan, right? Rich may have some insight (if he's permitted to share).

    I may be confusing this with another site.
  • InsaneSkullInsaneSkull Member Posts: 336 ★★

    If you need to make a video on how to effectively use it... you might want to have a UI person give you some feedback on the site.

    That said, there are aspects of the sites that are great... one of the better sites with regards to relics for example... however there are many gaps as well, such as having an easy way to evaluate prestige, and rank up/sig up decisions.

    Personally, I think there are a lot of data geeks out there who would love a "real data source" / and if someone made an API or downloadable JSON data set or something to consume... that would be pretty awesome.

    Appreciate the feedback. I love to have consumable API or Json data. Prestige and it affects on PI and calculation regarding them needs some data for which i don't have any source yet.

    Update : Auntm have been updated with latest champion info, check them out if didn't.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,451 ★★★★★
    @RichardSlugberg many thanks for your diligence and hard work. Greatly appreciate the update.

    Dr. Zola
  • Wong_98Wong_98 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★

    It's been a long time i am seeing this so here is my website which is not informative as auntm but it can help you meanwhile with the basic things and champion's primary info and abilities and synergies.


    More on MCOCHUB and How to Use

    I mean no disrespect to auntm as it was everyone's first choice. My website is 1 year old and never wrote about it here since it's not required as long as auntm is updated regularly.

    I Have some unique features on website which is not present on any website. Go through blog or video to effectively use it.

    Just informing you of a small mistake on your website, Lady D is not rupture immune, Scorp is still the only one who has that honor
  • iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Member Posts: 754 ★★★★
    edited October 2023
    Wong_98 said:

    It's been a long time i am seeing this so here is my website which is not informative as auntm but it can help you meanwhile with the basic things and champion's primary info and abilities and synergies.


    More on MCOCHUB and How to Use

    I mean no disrespect to auntm as it was everyone's first choice. My website is 1 year old and never wrote about it here since it's not required as long as auntm is updated regularly.

    I Have some unique features on website which is not present on any website. Go through blog or video to effectively use it.

    Just informing you of a small mistake on your website, Lady D is not rupture immune, Scorp is still the only one who has that honor
    Actually she kinda is, while her nanobots regen is active she becomes rupture and armor break immune
  • rcm2017rcm2017 Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    Slug is back, he messaged on X. Amazing website thanks a bunch @RichardSlugberg
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