An unexpected invite

DestinyPoloDestinyPolo Member Posts: 65
Um, well I returned to MCOC around a week ago after a break (from when Wong was released) and have focused on 8.1 which is now explored (should be taking my ultron to r4 soon) but yesterday I received many alliance invites out of the blue (later I found out my account had been posted as a killmonger dual but I don’t know where) which was confusing but most confusing (and amusing) of all is how I received this

For some context this alliance recently got 16th in the last war season and includes the MCOC YouTuber Munash. The lowest total hero rating in the team is 1.9mill, being the only one under 2 mill. Comparatively, this is my account

I mean I’m guessing it was a mistake but all the same I’m honoured haha. The alliances I’ve been in have struggled to get out of gold in AW ranking let alone get 16th. Anyway I found it funny and odd - but I dont have the money or the time to grind enough units to keep up with such a team but I suppose if I can get an invite, anyone can? Or maybe become a dual target for an uncommon hero and you get an invite? Okay maybe there is no moral to this story but yeah thank you for the offer I suppose haha :)


  • DestinyPoloDestinyPolo Member Posts: 65

    someone might have accidentally clicked the invite to alliance when they are trying to duel or look into profile may be
    but still congrats on that

    Yeah that was my thinking so I didn’t accept haha I just found it funny
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,212 ★★★★★
    Burro said:

    I’d accept it just to mess with them.

    Should have accepted and talked in the chat
    Missed opportunity on a fun interaction.
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