Member Posts: 44 ★
I’m not happy about not having the chance at a 6* AG. Your Rifts system is busted….and, yes…I understand the "chance" aspect to everything in the game. What baffles me is, why all Individual and Alliance events are based off of an almost merit-based system..the more you play, the more you earn…but it’s random chance for something that benefits the players. Please add something - anything - to give the people who play this game every day an incentive to want to continue. Offer completion tokens on the side that enhances a Summoner’s chances at getting a better reward. If you were to offer side tokens…like the Thronebreaker/Cavalier cards…which grant an additional XX% for each card collected, it would give me incentive to spend what I consider is most valuable…my time. I might not spend as much as most, but I spend a great deal more than most. This doesn’t value me having any opinion on operations…instead, I hope it gives you insight on why people like me want to quit. Thank you for your time.
I dont go to the liquour store and tell the clerk hey i am not happy not winning the powerball...
See here is your biggest flaw... U treat time as a currency... If u spend time IN A GAME, is because u enjoy that time... Now if u are looking at it as an investment to get something in return... I would tell u that u are dangerously addicted to the game...