6* Science AG - who to use it on

TriguyTriguy Member Posts: 61
edited November 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Just pulled a science AG from rifts. Have 56 generic/science sig stones that I could put in if needed.

6* Science AG - who to use it on 21 votes

buttersblurblotHector_1475GamerKniteShenkVance2_jrMightyDPowerOfACandle 8 votes
pseudosaneFiiNCH 2 votes
SpeedbumpEwell65SSS69NimorRenaxqqShiroiharaGunner14 6 votes
Mr negative
13579rebel_ 1 vote
Save it
mrcyrclePowerofpain1001ReignkingTWYash0101 4 votes


  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    If you don't give it to Void, then hold it for whom...?
  • Vance2_jrVance2_jr Member Posts: 782 ★★★★
    Void but ibom is a close second.
  • thanks4playingthanks4playing Member Posts: 805 ★★★
    It really depends on what your needs are and what game modes you value.

    Personally, I've been hunting thing because BGs, AW, and Incursions are high priority for me and I have the sigs to s200 him.

    If that's not the case for you, then the other champs are great options:
    - MrN is great b/c he doesn't need s200 but you have to be very confident with his gameplay or willing to learn
    - Ibom is another good option who doesn't need s200. His gameplay is very simple and he can also excel in multiple areas of the game
    - Void's gameplay is simple but you do want him at high sig. I don't think he's as valuable in as many game modes as Thing and Ibom.
  • TriguyTriguy Member Posts: 61
    Void was my initial thought and reaction when I pulled it, but I've been hearing some really good things about thing in battleground and incursions. Same goes for abomination. Generally speaking I'm pretty much just working on event quests, side quests, battlegrounds lately.
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