October Side Event thoughts

The event was very hit or miss. You either disliked cause you got 32 candy or you were ok with it cause you got a few now candies, like me.
Suggestions to improve
1) weekly calender that gave a key on day 7 that gave a randomly chosen non candy path. Then on the final.week a key to choose ANY path locked behind a difficult objetive(like defeat legendary with only 4* or lower champs). This would still make it completely random but also give people shots at better rewards.
2) Use a method that would lower the chance of candy every day. So day 1, 100% chance of candy, day 2 90% day 3 80 and so on. When you hit a none candy path the candy path chance is increased by 50%. So let's say you hit non candy on day 7 you hit non candy, the candy path on day 8 resets to 90%. Still random but a different way to guarantee better rewards than the idea of keys.
3) Make the store rewards better sp people who got 100% candy didn't feel angry.
Suggestions to improve
1) weekly calender that gave a key on day 7 that gave a randomly chosen non candy path. Then on the final.week a key to choose ANY path locked behind a difficult objetive(like defeat legendary with only 4* or lower champs). This would still make it completely random but also give people shots at better rewards.
2) Use a method that would lower the chance of candy every day. So day 1, 100% chance of candy, day 2 90% day 3 80 and so on. When you hit a none candy path the candy path chance is increased by 50%. So let's say you hit non candy on day 7 you hit non candy, the candy path on day 8 resets to 90%. Still random but a different way to guarantee better rewards than the idea of keys.
3) Make the store rewards better sp people who got 100% candy didn't feel angry.
Guarantee the same rewards as every month while giving 45 Cavs?
That’s a banger of a month.
The only thing I’d change is to allow practice fights for the objectives to incentivize us to try to figure out the riddle on our own instead of pushing us to go to forums to find duel targets every day.
RNG literally allows those big reward to even be an option.
Earnable rewards through progressin play = fair