Doctor Octopus minor utility buff suggestion

Hey there, been enjoying Doc Oc immensely for a long time at this point. He is already a utility powerhouse, but not op for most of the content obviously.

Somehow, every time I play him I remember the Doc Oc from Raimi trilogy who could handle a "sun" with his prosthetics. Has it ever been considered to grant doc oc's attacks a benefit of being non-contact? Or instead, grant him the same thing as Gambits or Omega red's mediums, where they lower the passive damage received? In case with Doc, DMG reductuon of shock/incinerate effects received on hit can be added to this pool as well (think of them like "mechanically induced" DOTs unlike bleeds/poison/ruptures/degens which all sound like something affecting flesh) - he will still be getting DMG from these effects tho if he got them not on hit, but from something else, which is only fair if you give him such a cool ability.

With the introduction of such an annoying defender as Attuna it would be only fair to widen the spectrum of characters who have non-contact atracks or things of similar quality, so I decided to throw the idea out there.

P.s. don't know much, unfortunately, about how his mechanic arms act lore-wise in comics, so would appreciate if someone could enlighten me or say if this proposition makes any sense :D


  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,115 ★★★★★
    In the movie Doctor Octopus pointed out that his arms were specifically designed to help control that Mini sun which means they were designed to counter high heat and gravity spikes so off of that universe, the only thing that makes sense would be that they would be immune to fire and wouldn't be affected by Magneto yet were vulnerable to electricity and in the comics and cartoons, his arms were affected by magnets, so different universes have different rules.
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