Corvus Map 7 broken or fixed

sfsiliconsfsilicon Member Posts: 113
Has Corvus on map 7 been "fixed". I saw the note that below that he was being "fixed" in map 8. But no mention about map 7 recently? I though the current immortality behavior would be left for map 7?

Is there a map 7 message somewhere?


2. Removal of the Corvus Timeout Method for Map 8 only (For now).


  • sfsiliconsfsilicon Member Posts: 113
    My ally recently started playing map 7. I lost a couple of revives before I noticed that it was consistently not working anymore. Just wondering if this was an unannounced release since I can't find any notification that the "fix" was being extended to map 7. It would have been nice to have such a notification so I could have planned not to bring in Corvus to the map. Ending spending more resources to finish the map which I could have avoided.
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