Who is my next 6* r4? Kitty (sig 60) or King Groot (sig 200)

Vance2_jrVance2_jr Member Posts: 783 ★★★★
Have 6 other r4s so this one is purely a pleasure rank up. Completed act 8, no suicides.who do you go with and why?

Who is my next 6* r4? Kitty (sig 60) or King Groot (sig 200) 19 votes

KDoggg2017SpeedbumpyuwCap366AmaadAkiraDenzel116CalwooddaddyShiroiharaBen_15455ShenkTrashPanda12n00bmaster69Iron_J3 13 votes
Malreck04MoosetiptronicRonSwansonwillrun4adonutLickyShivacrux 6 votes


  • KDoggg2017KDoggg2017 Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★
    The definition of a pleasure rankup is that you choose the champ that YOU enjoy the most imo.
  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    Have not voted yet.

    Question: how far does King Groot get you in ROL with Auto fight?

    Because normally I would say Kitty, since I enjoy fighting with her much more and fights are over quicker.

    But if taking KG up a rank will get you much further in Auto Fighting ROL than now, then go with him… It’s nice to sometimes start ROL, put the phone away and come back to a couple of free R3 potions…
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