Digital Version of Hammer-Head Arcade Game

Click the Target when the Lights go ON
Drop Rates:
20% Chance for the lights to be ON
5% Chance for the Input to be Registered
75% Chance for the Game to WIN
PRO Version:
Things which are permanently black will be available only with Pro Version
Have Fun Guys
PS: This might be caused because of an In-Game Bug (or) the Refresh Rate of the Device (or) the Memory Overload (jetsam) of the Device.
Just a pun intended post & restarting the game will solve this
Click the Target when the Lights go ON
Drop Rates:
20% Chance for the lights to be ON
5% Chance for the Input to be Registered
75% Chance for the Game to WIN
PRO Version:
Things which are permanently black will be available only with Pro Version
Have Fun Guys

PS: This might be caused because of an In-Game Bug (or) the Refresh Rate of the Device (or) the Memory Overload (jetsam) of the Device.
Just a pun intended post & restarting the game will solve this
