Test of Valor not opening after maintenance?

Anyone been able to proc the bounty mission after the maintenance? We just had a few people fully explore act 3 of master mode and no proc. Thats a lot of valor to not get a proc.
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This is just kabam rng game.
Yup. And those people at the top of the Valor Leaderboard are getting them non stop I bet. Since I’ve completed and ranked in everything to date but they are 400k valor ahead of me. Kabam giving away 5* Thor to who they want. It is there way to control who gets it.
If this is the case it's an issue that needs attention fast. Those going for top 100 can't wait for others to claim rewards. Please investigate.
After maintenance is gone
Nope! This is unrelated, but it sounds like you guys got lucky just as the Shards were collected.
Mike, the icon with test of Valor disappeared. How can it not be an issue?
Have you tried closing and restarting the game, or scrolling where the icons at the bottom are located? That is also a completely different issue than the one the OP posted, and the one we addressed.
Yes, several times, scrolling too. Check the photo LordRafaell posted above, please.
I'll have the team look into this, but please let me know if it shows up again if somebody triggers a Test of Valor. They are not reliant on that button to actually trigger.
It does not get banked or anything, and a new Test of Valor cannot be triggered when there one is running.
That would explain why I have almost 800,000 valor and opened 0 . Claimed most when one was running . Thanks mike I appreciate the quick response, Have a good afternoon
This is a wild conspiracy theory. Some players spend more time in game, gathering more Valor than others, and they are much more likely to trigger a Test of Valor than those who are not grinding in the Arenas, completing Vanquishing Blow events, or the Quests.