When i play as Hulk (4 star) or Hawkeye (4 star) the block and evade and sp1 doesnt work

I was playing story quest act 3 and it was not letting me evade or block as 4 star hulk or 4 star hawkeye. It was happening to other champs but not as much as hawkeye and hulk. Its very troubling that you just had maintenance last night and there are still multiple problems. I wonder what the maintenance does it appears to me it causes more problems than solutions. Its very aggravating that no one will fix this stuff and never acknowledge it. Im tired of the childish excuses i wanna have fun with the game, Not a horrid time trying to get past the multiple glitches.
Please fix these problems and actually acknowledge it. Thanks for your time if you even bother to read this. I don't know how much more i can take before i decide to quit this game. But this game has exquisite graphics and very good ideas and i love the valor thing and many great characters. But the glitches are starting to outnumber the good things of this fantastic game. I do honestly love this game its addicting and very fun and i just want this game to go in a very great direction. Im trying my best to have patience and hope you guys fix these problems. I hope everyone who reads this has a fantastic day....Scare out.
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