Whom should I r3 first ?

I'm at 6.3.1 currently.
I have r3 Ultron (unduped)
Fury (duped) will be r3 soon.
Who should be my next choice? (For reaching thron breakers) (All unduped)
I have r3 Ultron (unduped)
Fury (duped) will be r3 soon.
Who should be my next choice? (For reaching thron breakers) (All unduped)
Whom should I r3 first ? 26 votes
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on
Nimrod on other hand I got 2 days back only, he is already r2 and I find it amazing as per utility as well as damage out put.
Penny I find low damage output.
So I was confused in these 3.
What about Knull ?
I'm learning to use him too.
But I got a duped R3 Sam Wilson to