Unit display bug on opening arena crystal

WhoDaPooWhoDaPoo Member Posts: 344 ★★★
Tonight I opened 4 arena crystals and lucked out to get units in two of them. First was 45 units and second was 15 units. When each crystal opened and the units added up, it was only displaying my current units + the last digit of what showed in the crystal (so +5 and +5 per, instead of +45 and +15).

Closing the game and reopening refreshed it so it had the right unit count though.

A better example of the sequence is if I had 100 units. After the first crystal I should have had 145, but it said 105. After the second it should have been 160, it said 110. Close game, reopen, and it says 160 correctly.

Android, Pixel 6 pro, latest version.
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