Planning on doing 6.3.1 soon, who would be better for the Medusa boss?

GhosturdGhosturd Member Posts: 32
Both 5 star and awakened

Planning on doing 6.3.1 soon, who would be better for the Medusa boss? 9 votes

CyborgNinja135 1 vote
Wolverine with horseman synergy
SpeedbumpRayhanIshaqueAmaadAkiraRenaxqqwillrun4adonut13579rebel_The_Paragon2Ghosturd 8 votes


  • CyborgNinja135CyborgNinja135 Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★★
    Wolverine will outdamage her regen and will keep it at bay if you have despair unlocked, but Warlock is just brain dead parry heavy and keep the infection up. He will also armor break her in case you hit into her block. Doesn't get any easier than that
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