
Dear Kabam,

Please upgrade Longshot's passive fate seal and incinerate debuff on his sp2 to a passive buff immunity and degeneration with the same duration and damage potency.


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  • Señor DudeSeñor Dude Member Posts: 67
    OP has no idea how busted Longshot is in the right situation. Never in my life have I said "this guy needs more damage". Also, fate seal is better than buff immunity imo, because fate seal can shut off some champions. Also, none of his kit interacts with immunity at all, so it makes no sense to give him the ability of buff immunity. If we're on the train of giving already good champs degen damage for no reason, why not make every Nick Fury bleed degen? Dumb post.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,124 ★★★★★
    I for one would like to take this opportunity to officially petition the Dev team to increase Hyperion's power gain. I feel like he's just missing that little bit extra to make him feel pretty darn gosh good. /s
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,531 ★★★★★
    Let's also upgrade Rintrah's kit while we're at it. Kabam, please buff Rintrah so he gets 6 ruptures per light attack while rooted at 10 mystical charges, his SP2 could definitely use a little bit more damage!
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,124 ★★★★★
    You know, Doctor Doom could hit a little harder... 🤣
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