BG Matchmaking

247247 Member Posts: 5
Starting today BG isn't trying to match my 2 star deck with similar decks. After a couple seconds i pop up a match against 6 star decks. It did this 3 times in row. I presume a 4th attempt would have given the same result so I didn't bother with a 4th try.


  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,531 ★★★★★
    Yeah the matchmaking changes are working now, you can't use anything other than your best champs anymore.
  • 247247 Member Posts: 5
    I guess I'm done with BG then. The 2 star BG's were fun and balanced. The 6 star BG's not so much. Thanks for the info. I wasn't aware they were making changes to BG.
  • JJJmJJJJJJmJJJ Member Posts: 141 ★★
    I’m matching against summoners with 1m rating more than me!!! How **** the matching system works!?!?
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,531 ★★★★★
    247 said:

    I guess I'm done with BG then. The 2 star BG's were fun and balanced. The 6 star BG's not so much. Thanks for the info. I wasn't aware they were making changes to BG.

    Having a skill advantage may be fun for you but not for your opponent, that's why we needed these changes. With that being said I do think they made the game mode too hard for TB and above though.
  • 247247 Member Posts: 5
    I was winning about half of my 2 star battlegrounds so apparently my skill wasn't much of an advantage.

    But it doesn't matter now. Changes have been made whether I agree with them or not. I can either use my 6 stars or not participate in BG's. I choose not to participate.
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