AQ Map 8 Buff Choice Node

I chose the buff below (Broken Measures) to get an aptitude buff whenever I apply an Armor Break or Shatter debuff. I used Silver Surfer against Rhino in section 1 first fight, buff worked then. Then I took path 7 (diss track) and used both Silver Surfer and King Groot and the Broken Measures buff didn't work. Is this working as intended for 1 fight or supposed to be for rest of quest?

The node worked for section 1 only. It stopped working in section 2.
I know last AQ was announced canceled “Due to issues affecting Alliance Quests that are preventing Alliances from progressing through Choice Nodes, and some issues with the Choice Node Buffs” along with the issues of AQ prestige not working correctly on top of it at the time.
While we got a pinned update on AQ prestige issues is there an update regarding the issues with choice node buffs that can be given? I originally thought since AQ was going ahead this week that the choice node buffs are working now with the AQ prestige fix, but looks not to be the case and the choice buff issues don’t seem to be pinned on the bugs/issues tracker AQ/AW section.
It seems that the majority of issues have been mitigated, but there are still some cases being reported.
More information as it becomes available.
The game team has located the issue and resolved it for the next AQ cycle.
Thank you for your patience!